Small Town to the Big City: Residential Moving Tips

Small town life certainly has its privileges.  However, the potential for better work opportunities, a faster pace of life, or more culture can lead young adults to leave home and strike out for the big city. Moving from a slower pace of life to the cityscape can be intimidating and stressful, so here are some tips to help you decide if the city is right for you.

  • Research the cost of living!

There are many considerations in moving to the city.  The cost of living in the city is usually higher than in rural areas or small towns, and you may be shocked that the prices of just about everything are higher. If you’re moving for a job, try to check this out before accepting an offer.

  • Who do you know in the new city?
Family moving into new home.

It’s important to get a feel for who you may know in the new location. This can be friends or family, casual acquaintances, or even someone you meet online. Chatting with someone who lives there can be a great way to get a feel for the area, what neighborhoods might be a good fit, or what the job market looks like.

  • Do you know if you’re ready?

Life in the city can be fast paced and exciting, but is it right for you?  There are questions you should ask yourself or discuss with close friends and family members before striking out for the city lights. Can you handle the noise? Are you OK to be financially strapped at first? Can you live far away from home and loved ones? Answering these questions will help you determine if you’re up for the adventure.

  • Looking for Work

You can move to the city without first lining up a job, but that makes things a little harder. It’s better to start the job hunt before you move.  You can access online job sites or other resources such as LinkedIn.  You can also reach out for help to anyone you may know in the city to see if they know of any positions opening up.  Overall, moving to the city is expensive, and you’d be well advised to line up a job before leaving your small town.

  • Find a place to live

This is crucial, and should be arranged in advance, if possible. Even if you don’t have a job, you’ll need a place to live.  If your finances don’t allow for a place by yourself, you may be able to share a space with a roommate or two until you get better established. If you’ve decided that you’re ready for the city life, let us take care of your moving or storage needs. For over 17 years, Condor Moving Systems has provided our customers with quality moving services at the best possible rates.  Contact us at 877-460-6683 or at